Interested in transitioning your existing 401(k) plan to BSW’s Impact 401(k) ?

Click the button below to auto-generate a recommendation letter from your email platform.

Customize it for your recipient by swapping out all caps text (manager’s name, your organization, your name).


Or simply copy & paste the below into your email program.


I would like (NAME OF ORGANIZATION)’s 401(k) to better reflect our values as a company and as employees.

BSW Wealth Partners’ Impact 401(k) program would align our company’s retirement plan with our mission of using business for good. BSW (a certified B Corp) has provided Impact 401(k) solutions for companies ranging from the outdoor industry to clean energy, biotech and fellow B Corps retirement plans that meet each orgnization’s unique values, needs and personality.  

Please contact BSW Advisor and Impact Specialist, Brian Lichtenheld ( for more details.

With gratitude,