Employee Spotlight:
Elias Bachmann
Director of Private Investments
Portfolio Manager
What do you enjoy most about your work at BSW Wealth Partners?
I enjoy working with the entire team at BSW. The investment group, where I sit most of the time is like a restaurant kitchen. We are responsible for sourcing and combining ingredients in ways that move our clients closer to their definition of happiness – this is very gratifying work. The investment group has a ridiculous sense of humor which makes coming to work a delight. I also get to collaborate with the client facing teams. This may mean visiting with clients directly, collaborating with advisors as we navigate complex questions like risk tolerance and impact/esg alignment and how these translate into a suitable portfolio recommendation. In my job there is a unique balance of technical craft and people engagement which is very nourishing.
What is your definition of Make Life Better?
Make Life Better is about service. We serve so many people and things in our life. It isn’t about being a servant, but about being an agent (server) of positive change. To truly make life better one must have strength and courage to at times, hold a vision of positive change beyond the needs and wants of today. Most importantly, seize the opportunity to smile or bring a smile as often as possible.
What qualities of yours help/helped you excel at your job?
I spent my summers on my uncle’s dairy farm in Switzerland. It was there that I learned about balancing a portfolio of chickens, cows, pigs, green beans, potatoes, wheat, barley, apples, plums and cherries. It was where I learned about storing for a rainy day (winter) and where I learned about patience from helping beautiful cheeses ripen day after day in a dark earthen-floor cellar. It is where I learned that the earth will give as much as you take care of and nourish it.
When and where were you happiest?
I was happiest on my uncle’s dairy farm in Switzerland. A river runs 50 feet from the house. In the mornings you can hear it along with the cow bells on the hillside. When the weather is clear, you can see the Alps from the garden. Most of all I enjoyed my summer siblings, five cousins.
Which talent would you most like to have?
I wish I could actually play the guitar.
What is your most treasured possession?
My most treasured possession is the gold cross which hangs from my neck every day. I never met my grandfather, but he knew that I existed. He lived in Lima, Peru and before he died he gave my aunt this cross to give to me. When I was 19, I met her for the first time and she gave it to me. Its significance has evolved over the years to encompass a connection to my family in Peru and much more. Not being religious, I decided to assign my own meaning to this cross expressed in seven values that are important to me and guide how I would like to lead my life. Since you asked…. The cross is anchored in gratitude, supported by strength, carried with service, guided by love, compassion and forgiveness. Finally, the impact of these can only be realized through courage.
What do you most value in your friends?
A good sense of humor.
Who are your heroes in real life?
Earnest Shackelton. I admire his ability to shepherd an ill-fated expedition to cross Antarctica through, food shortages, mutiny, the loss of a ship to sea ice, and ultimately the rescue of his entire crew over a year later. He demonstrated firm but fair leadership, which honored discipline and process to ration every last ounce of resources (physical and emotional) for the benefit of the group’s survival.
What are your favorite names?