“The summer night is like a perfection of thought.”
-Wallace Stevens
We could not have said it better ourselves. In fact, it’s almost as if when revered American poet Wallace Stevens penned this thought, he was forecasting the upcoming 929 PRL Summer Series, five monthly events centered around the best the season and our community have to offer. Curated by Boulder Food Group and Conscience Bay, the 929 PRL Summer Series is composed of parties with purpose– each gathering’s ticket sales directly benefit a local, community-focused charity.
Please join BSW and our fellow co-sponsors Essex Financial Group, Holland & Hart, and Plante Moran at each event from 5pm-7pm on the covered patio for the perfect combination of live music, delicious culinary provisions and libations, and incredible company. Tickets are available individually for $30, and in season ticket form for $100, with Boulder Food Group and Conscience Bay generously matching 100% of season ticket sales.
Thursday, May 16th: Benefitting Western Resource Advocates
Thursday, June 20th: Benefitting Rocky Mountain Institute
Thursday, July 18th: Benefitting Conscious Alliance
Thursday, August 22nd: Benefitting The Chef Ann Foundation
Thursday, September 19th: Benefitting Mad Agriculture
BSW is not affiliated with the co-sponsors or beneficiaries of the 929 PRL Summer Series. Live ‘links’ to other Internet addresses contain information created, published, maintained, or otherwise posted by institutions or organizations independent of BSW. BSW does not endorse, approve, certify, or control these external Internet addresses and does not guarantee or assume responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, efficacy, timeliness, or correct sequencing of information located at such addresses.